22:15 video
Extreme Gag-Extravaganza of A Half-Dozen Tied Damsels, All On –Screen!
Continued from episode 2, concluding this three part series:
Caroline stands between Sandra and Ruth, the two statuesque visions of bondage beauty. She’s quite smug with herself. She and Lisa managed to get four times more product than they bargained for. As she surveys the landscape littered with bound and gagged moneybags, she is taken completely by surprise when Lisa’s long delicate fingers find that nerve in her neck and the world begin to fade away…
She awakens on the floor, Lisa’s knee firmly planted between Caroline’s shoulder blades. Her wrists are cruelly tied behind her back. A cacophony of stifled whimpers and screams fill her ears as Lisa pulls Caroline into a tight, cross-legged hogtie. With some duct tape over her mouth, Caroline now joins the chorus. Lisa’s plan worked. She was able to deceive all five ladies into delivering themselves to her so that she can now deliver all of them to the buyer, who is only a short phone call away.
The buyer is a bear of a man. Large and definitely in charge. He has no time for the pompous, preening blond who can’t help but regale him of her ingenuity in attaining such a prize. She was merely a wisp, unable to resist him when he decided to take her as well. He drags her to the floor and holds her effortlessly as she resists and pleads to not join the struggling sorority surrounding her. Her cries fall on deaf ears. Those same cries are soon silenced as he stuffs a rag deep in to her mouth. “Finally.” He thinks as he wraps microfoam tape around Lisa’s head. Though thoroughly quieted, he knows that these flimsy duct tape gags are going to draw attention to the warehouse before he can arrange the pickup. One-by-one, he inspects the products and replaces the silver tape minimally stifling them with mouth-filling cloths and jaw-immobilizing medical tape. He begins with Caroline. A welcome addition, she’ll fetch a good price. He then moves to AJ and Pling. Thin, fit. Good, there’s a market for that. He then moves on to his prizes, the main reason he risked this underhanded undertaking. Sandra and Ruth. The gorgeous, busty bitches that will command the highest price. These two have been bound and gagged for over an hour and they still have fight in them. Very encouraging. That kind of stamina and energy combined with such beauty will drive the bids higher and higher. He leaves them in the darkness as he leaves to fetch the van…
16:13 video
All On-Screen, Two Lithe Ladies Join Two Captive Broads to be Bound and Sold!
Continued from episode 1:
AJ offers Pling a chair to take a break after the foursome finally subdued the big-titted broads now tied to the poles before them. But it’s a trap for Pling and the terrible trip of AJ, Caroline and Lisa attack her. They pin her to the chair and tape Pling’s mouth shut. Pling fights mightily, but she is a tiny woman and unable to fight off her attackers. As more and more ropes go on, more and more of her blouse gets torn off in the process. Soon, she joins the other two captives in a futile struggle for freedom. It won’t come. As AJ checks the ropes of the bound and gagged threesome, Caroline and Lisa realize that she is built quite similar to Pling and could fetch a tidy sum as well. As AJ takes a seat to gaze upon her soon-to-be-sold former friends, Caroline distracts her as Lisa sneaks up behind her with rope… and the duo attacks! AJ’s arms are pinned behind her and tied to the chair, her long legs are wrapped with rope and more rope fastens her to the chair back. Her angry admonitions are stifled by duct tape. Caroline and Lisa are pretty proud of themselves. They’re going to make a mint on this job. Caroline gets distracted by the two pair of big, beautiful breasts and Lisa takes it as her opportunity to strike!
Continued Next Episode in “Six Sexy Sirens Prepared for Sale!”
26:00 video
All on Screen, Two Buxom Broads, Sandra and Ruth, are deceived and Bound by Four Other Women!
Part 1
Sandra has been working alongside Ruth, AJ, Caroline, Pling and Lisa forever Sandra is dragged into the loading bay by the aggressive quintet. She is pushed up against a pole and the women all take part in roping her to it. The ropes get ultra-tight as they coil around her and the poll. With so many hands involved, Sandra’s clothes get torn, revealing her huge tits and pantyhose-ed curves. In the process, she is groped aggressively. She fights vigorously the whole time, but there are just too many against her. The finally completely subdue Sandra and take a moment to admire their handiwork and her sexy struggles. Buxom, built. Just what the buyer wants. Someone else in the group fits that description. Ruth. And the other 4 girls know it. In fact, they’ve had a plan the whole time to sell Ruth along with Sandra. The fearsome foursome pounces on the long-legged and unsuspecting damsel. Eventually, she joins Sandra in a similar situation. Bound and gagged to a pole, exposed and protesting. The duo try their best to escape, but the ropes are too tight. Taking a step back to rest after subduing the pair of products, AJ offers Pling a chair. As soon as she sits the remaining three are upon her!
Continued next episode with “Four Fearful Femmes Prepared for Sale!”
10:32 video
This is a follow up to a previous clip "Slave Girl Gets Eaten."
Recap from the previous episode:
Sydney Screams is the "wealthiest person in the world" and she caught her bikini-wearing slave trying to steal food from her! Caroline begs for her life and is XXXX to worship cruel Sydney's big soft belly, but Sydney and her hungry belly don't want to show mercy, she wants to be fed!
Which brings us to the present:
Sydney Screams just finished eating her slave Caroline Pierce, and the "food" isn't sitting well with her so demands some digestion aid. Sydeny calls her fitness slave Cheyenne Jewel over to massage her tummy and get fussy Caroline to stop causing stomach distress. Cheyenne pleads with Caroline inside Syndey's stomach to stop fighting, but to no avail. Syndey gets sick and Caroline comes back up.
Sydney, angry at Cheyenne for being a useless fitness slave and not massaging her tummy enough for Caroline to digest, decides to eat her instead. And Caroline, being too hard for Sydney's magnificent belly to digest, is offered up to her son the Fat Prince as his very first slave-meal.
***This was a custom video commission. Interested in getting your own? Let's talk!
Vore, Belly Worship, BBW, Bikinis, Burping, Slaves
18:45 video
Lady Bosses Caroline Pierce, Dixie Comet and Kimberly Kane are relaxing in the break room when they are rudely intruded upon by the new guy at the company, Nate Liquor. They show him who's in charge using their own "special techniques", and that there's a price to pay for being uncouth and disrespectful to his superiors.
FemDom, Male sub, Humiliation, Face Sitting, XXXX, Leg Lock, Pantyhose, Foot XXXX, Mouth Stuffing, Stinky Feet,
8:26 video
Get on your knees and grovel while Mistress Caroline teases you with her curves and her alluring femininity and taunts you with the tantalizing idea of being close enough to her to touch her beauty, but you're not worthy. Take in her glory and be grateful you're allowed to be in Her presence at all.
FemDom, Fishnets, Corset, Tease, Stiletto Heels,
5:33 video
Caroline is lounging comfortably in bed, totaly unaware that you're peeking in on her and watching her wiggle her cute toes.
Toes, Foot Fetish, Wrinkly Soles, Pink Toenails, Lingerie, Ignore
13:53 video
Part 8 of 8 of an 8-MILF, Movie-Length, Mini-Series Event!
This Episode: MINI_SERIES FINALE! Caroline Captured, Making 8 Bound & Gagged MILFs Loaded into the Van!
Previous Episode: Crazy Captor AJ Becomes Comely Captive #7 once KO'd by Caroline! All On-Screen!
All on Screen - Caroline is pretty proud of herself. She had conned AJ into assisting in the nabbing of all the other ladies in the office. Once those six were all tightly tied up, gagged and topless, Caroline betrayed her helper and made it seven. The contact was for eight, but she is sure her buyer will be pleased with seven. Besides, Caroline will be able to retire nicely on 87.5% of the price. As Caroline is making one last check of the knots on the secured secretaries in septuplicate (look it up ;-) She hears the van pull up just on the other side of the steel overhead doors. They're right on schedule! The door flies open and silhouetted in the sunlight is the buyer, Ben, a blond broad, bearded brute in black and boots. Caroline is proud and happy to see him. But she's concerned. He's not smiling. He counts out the beautiful booty of, um, booty and realizes Caroline is one gal short. Caroline assures him that seven is a good haul and he pleasantly assures her that he isn't going to worry about it. She's so relieved when he heads back to the van to open the sliding side door. She sure dodged that one and now she'll be rewarded for her efforts. With a sweet-smelling rag over her face. Once his strong arms were around her she probably wouldn't have been able to break free anyway, but with her consciousness slipping away, it becomes a certainty. It's lights out for our enticing entrepreneur. The contract was for eight. He has no intention of leaving, with anything less. With plenty of time to tightly tie the final piece of this awesome octadic, Her blouse is torn open for a quick peek and grope. This rouses Caroline and she is awake and aware as the rag is shoved into her mouth and, just like her seven sisters, microfoam tape is wrapped around her head to seal it in. With his eight topless trophies ready for pickup, he enlists the help of his sidekick to load the lovelies into the lorry. Starting with Ruth and continuing to Sandra, AJ, Samantha, Jackie, Lisa, Caroline and finally Vivienne, each pretty prize is lifted and carried into the waiting van. Caroline came through. Unfortunately, she'll be unavailable for future contracts.
Starring: Sandra Silvers, Ruth Cassidy, Samantha Grace, Lisa Harlotte, Jackie Christianson, Vivienne Velvet, Caroline Pierce, AJ Marion
9:21 video
Part 7 of 8 of an 8-MILF, Movie-Length, Mini-Series Event!
This Episode: Crazy Captor AJ Becomes Comely Captive #7 once KO'd by Caroline! All On-Screen!
Previous Episode: Long-Legged European Seductress Becomes 6th Sexy Slave! All On-Screen!
All on Screen - AJ and Caroline stand proudly over their handiwork. On the floor before them is a hexad sexy struggling secretaries all tightly tied up and topless. Looking at the inventory bound and gagged beauties before her, thoughts of all the money this sale will generate are running though AJ's head. Caroline is thinking the same thing, but instead of surveying the restrained MILFs on the floor, her attention is squarely on AJ... Soon-to-be captive number seven.In a flash, Caroline's arm is around AJs neck! The thoughts of easy-street are instantly replaced with the harsh reality of betrayal. Now Caroline get to sell seven sirens for a higher price without the inconvenience of splitting it two ways. WIth AJ's throat in the crook of Caroline's elbow, there is no way the lithe loud-mouth will be able to shake loose. Caroline locks her one arm in place with her other and the XXXXer-hold is complete. It's only a matter of time before AJ succumbs to the grabble and goes XXXX. As the horrified half-dozen of helpless hotties looks on, Caroline begins to tie the dormant damsel. Just as the final knot is being fixed, AJ awakens. Being bound and gagged hasn't made her any less amenable, or quiet. That's OK, though, Caroline wasn't expecting her to be, and it makes gagging AJ all the more pleasurable. A rag is stuffed into AJs maw and, just as each of the struggling sorority before had, Micro foam tape is wrapped around and around her head sealing it in. AJ is placed on the pretty pile of topless tied tarts. She is to share in their fate. Now all Caroline has to do is wait for the buyers to arrive. They won't mind that Caroline is only delivering seven of the agreed upon eight ladies....right?
Next Episode: Caroline Captured, Making 8 Bound & Gagged MILFs Loaded into the Van!
Starring: Sandra Silvers, Ruth Cassidy, Samantha Grace, Lisa Harlotte, Jackie Christianson, Vivienne Velvet, Caroline Pierce, AJ Marion
10:51 video
Part 6 of 8 of an 8-MILF, Movie-Length, Mini-Series Event!
This Episode: Long-Legged European Seductress Becomes 6th Sexy Slave! All On-Screen
Previous Episode: MILF Salesgirl Jackie Christianson Becomes Bound & Gagged Victim #5 - All On-Screen!
Prologue: Sandra was interested in expanding her enterprise into Europe. What she needed was an attractive, aggressive agent indigenous to the continent and multi-lingual to be the face of Sandra's company across the ocean. Vivienne was the new hire tasked with the project. Ms. Velvet traveled the main headquarters in the United States to get familiar with the company and the ladies she'll be relying on for backup in her job. Unbeknownst to her, but knownst to us, Vivienne's visit sealed not only her fate, but that of her colleagues, because now there are enough ladies to fill the order...
All on Screen - Caroline and AJ lead the long and lean blond into the warehouse. Vivienne fights the entire way. Around a bandanna cleave-gag, she angrily admonishes her captors, but it falls on deaf ears. The fierce femmes have enough on their minds, and hands with the quintet of rowdy, ravishing broads bound and gagged and squirming all over the loading dock. Between dragging dames back to the struggle pile and layer on more wrap gags, Caroline and AJ still have to get the feisty foreign female fettered for final fulfillment of their order (well, as far as AJ is concerned, this is the last lady they need to nab...) Vivienne isn't going to make it easy for them, however. The restrictive ropes are added to her ankles and knees, then her wrists, chest and elbows. A biting crotchrope is put in place and all that is left is the Microfoam gag. AJ takes the bandanna out of Vivienne's mouth to turn it into complete mouthstuffing, but with the split second Viv has with an unobstructed mouth, she threatens her pretty captors, "I will escape! And when I do, I will hunt you down like a deer!" They are the last intelligible words Ms. Velvet utters as her mouth is completely filled with cloth and wrapped all the way around with tape. The quaking quintet is now a struggling sextet of sexy slaves ready for delivery. Well, almost ready...
Next Episode: Crazy Captor AJ Becomes Comely Captive #7 once KO'd by Caroline!
11:45 video
Part 5 of 8 of an 8-MILF, Movie-Length, Mini-Series Event!
This Episode: MILF Salesgirl Jackie Christianson Becomes Bound & Gagged Victim #5 - All On-Screen!
Last Episode: Blond Saleslady Lisa Harlotte Becomes Bound & Gagged Captive #4 - All On-Screen!
Prologue: Jackie is generally oblivious. She never notices when her customers flirt with her. She certainly didn't notice that when she got back to the office, it was almost completely empty. Vivienne was in her office on the phone yelling at someone in a language Jackie didn't understand, so Jackie gave her a wide berth. Jackie never noticed none of the other ladies she works with was around. Jackie had just plopped down in her own office when her phone rang. It was an internal call. "Hey, Jackie," Caroline's sweet voice could be heard on the line, "can you come down to the warehouse? AJ and I think that the delivery guys messed up your last shipment." Jackie hopped up from her chair and headed to the warehouse...
All on Screen - Caroline and AJ both lead the cleave gagged Jackie towards the loading dock. Once Jackie sees her four sexy, topless and completely bound & gagged associates, she begins to furiously fight back. But she is outnumbered two to one. Quickly, AJ and Caroline have Jackie's hand tied behind her back, and at that point, it's just a matter of time. But for the pair of captrixes, as the pile of sexy, struggling business women gets bigger, corralling them gets more complicated. AJ and Caroline have to take turns tying Jackie's ankles, knees, chest, arms and crotch-rope because they have to keep dragging ladies back to the group as they wriggle away. Finally the girls are all dragged back together, and Jackie is added to their ranks. Jackie's relatively comfortable bandanna gag is stuffed deep into her mouth and sealed in with a roll of microfoam tape. We stay behind and keep the quivering quintet company while AJ and Caroline go to retrieve the last gal left in the office...
Next Episode: the Vivacious Vivienne Velvet valiently vies for freedom
14:57 video
Part 4 of 8 of an 8-MILF, Movie-Length, Mini-Series Event!
This Episode: Blond Saleslady Lisa Harlotte Becomes Bound & Gagged Captive #4 - All On-Screen!
Last Episode: Sexy Saleslady Samantha Grace Become Bound & Gagged Captive #3 - All On-Screen!
Prologue:The truth is, Lisa doesn't need to work. Her father is a well-connected businessman who gives Lisa everything she wants. But Lisa likes flirting... a lot. And in her job as a Sales Representative for Sandra's company, Lisa gets to flirt all day long. She not only flirts with all the ladies in the office, of course, but she flirts hard with all of her clients, both male and female. And it works. Her sales are through the roof. When Lisa returned to the office and dropped off her reports to Caroline, Lisa rolled out the charm, and Caroline was receptive. So receptive that Lisa never noticed AJ coming up behind her with the rag...
All on Screen - It still hadn't sunk in for Lisa what was going on, until Caroline and AJ marched her through the doors. There in front of the loading dock were three of her most buxom co-workers, Sandra, Ruth and Samantha. All were completely bound and gagged and writhing on the warehouse floor. Each of them was tightly tied at the ankles with their hands behind their backs. Crotch ropes digging into their pantyhosed pussies and their arms pinned to their torsos by ropes around their waists and even more rope around all of their huge tits. Thick Microfoam gags sealed rags in to their mouths. Lisa knows she's next. The ropes begin to be added to her. While AJ is tying, Caroline is stripping Lisa, occasionally, Caroline and AJ switch roles. If these two crazy bitches manages to nab this sexy trio, there was no way she could hope to break free. So, as she is being tied, she tries her best to plead around her gag... "Do you know who my father is?" "He has lots of money" "If you let me go, I won't tell anyone about this"... But it all falls on deaf ears. Soon her pleas are completely muffled after her cleave gag is turned into mouthstuffing and held in by tape. Lisa is dragged onto the pretty pile of captives to struggle, in vain, as Caroline and AJ go to retrieve their next catch...
Next Episode: Jackie Christianson joins the collection of captives
13:13 video
Part 3 of 8 of an 8-MILF, Movie-Length, Mini-Series Event!
This Episode: Sexy Saleslady Samantha Grace Become Bound & Gagged Captive #3 - All On-Screen!
Last Episode: Big-Titted Secretary Joins Her Buxom Bound LadyBoss in Bondage!
Prologue:Samantha was always uneasy around AJ, and with good reason. AJ was super strict when Samantha would make an innocent error on a sales order and then Samantha would have to endure a tongue-lashing (and not the fun kind) at the hands of the angry, yet alluring, accountant. Sweet, submissive Samantha would take the tirade quietly and calmly, because secretly, she dreamed about AJ dressing her down outside of work hours. In fact, it's the reason she made "mistakes" on the paperwork in the first place. She would do anything to get a faceful of AJ. So when AJ called her into the office, she was ready, and eager to take what AJ could deal out. What Samantha didn't expect was Caroline...
All on Screen - It still hadn't registered with Samantha until she was dragged into the warehouse by Caroline and AJ with a bandanna cleaved into her teeth. There on the cold, concrete floor was her sexy, curvy boss Sandra completely bound and gagged with her top torn open exposing her exquisite breasts. Next to her was Sandra's luscious, leggy redhead secretary, Ruth, all tied up in the same fashion. Both are struggling furiously and screaming into their Microfoam-over-an-entire-bandanna-mouthstuffing-gag. And then it clicked. Samantha was next, and this wasn't playtime. While Caroline holds her still, AJ Begins to tie Samantha the same way she did the captive coworkers. Samantha's legs were welded together with rope at ankles and knees Her wrists tied tightly behind her back with her arms cinched snugly to her torso with a chest harness. An invasive crotchrope is added and her blouse is torn open. The bandanna is turned into mouthstuffing and micro foam tape is wrapped completely around her head. She is trying her best to be compliant, but it's not stopping AJ from yelling at her anyway. Samantha is a mess of emotion as it appears that her long-held dream is about to become a nightmare... This isn't fun anymore. She and her two co-workers are in serious trouble. Once that begins to set in, the formerly quiet ant and compliant saleswoman joins the other buxom, bound beauties in their desperate struggles... Another Saleswoman, Lisa, is set to arrive at the office soon. Maybe she'll discover whats going on and go to get help. Or maybe...
Next Episode: Lisa Harlotte Join Sandra Silver, Ruth Cassidy & Samantha Grace in Ropes!
14:36 video
Part 2 of 8 of an 8-MILF, Movie-Length, Mini-Series Event!
This Episode: Big-Titted Secretary Joins Her Buxom Bound LadyBoss in Bondage!
Last Episode: Bosslady Sandra Taken and Tied By Caroline & AJ!
Ruth is a tall drink of water, and feisty! The tall amazon redhead towers over both AJ and Caroline as they drag her into the warehouse. She begins to panic when she sees her Boss, Sandra bound, gagged and struggling on the concrete floor with her blouse ripped open. Ruth rightly surmises the same is in store for her. She tries in vain to fight of Caroline and AJ. Despite a clear height advantage, ultimately, she is outnumbered two to one. All on -screen her cleave gag is wadded up and stuffed into her mouth and held in place with a microfoam wrap gag pulled clear around her head. Tight ropes are applied to her long legs at the ankles and knees. her ample bosom is bound and a cruel crothrope is locked into place, pinning her arms. One final indignity before she is taken to the floor to struggle with her employer... those beautiful big boobs are set free as Caroline tears open Ruth's silk blouse. AJ and Caroline check both ladies' ropes before setting off to nab the one of the sexy salesladies that work at the firm. The buxom duo of Sandra and Ruth are left alone and we're treated to their desperate, unsuccessful, attempts at escape.
Next Episode: Samantha Grace Join Sandra & Ruth in Ropes!
14:19 video
When I was out visiting my dear friends Ben and Sandra, from SandraSilvers.com, rope hijinx happened as they always do, like this 8 part epic mini-series!
Part 1 of 8 of an 8-MILF, Movie-Length, Mini-Series Event!
This Episode: Bosslady Sandra Taken and Tied By Caroline & AJ!
Prologue: Caroline has been working as a secretary at Sandra's company for years. She did well, but dreamed of the day that she would never have to work again. But retirement is decades off, and she's impatient. A prime-time news expose on the human-trafficking sex-trade planted the seed in her brain. The amounts that rich men and woman around the world would pay to possess a woman of quality was insane. Caroline's gears began to turn. Supply wouldn't be a problem, she worked with an office-full of gorgeous gals. The problem would be find buyers and distribution. After a month of dark-web searches and back-alley meetings, she arranged for both. The Syndicate had a job for her, and for a first job, it was a big one. They wanted Caroline to arrange for eight quality ladies to be restrained and ready to be picked up. Eight?! Well, there were seven gals in the office other than Caroline in the office: The Owner, Sandra Silvers, her secretary Ruth Cassidy, the three salesladies Lisa Harlotte, Samantha Grace and Jackie Christianson, the visiting European account executive Vivienne Velvet and AJ Marion, the mouthy, tenacious and long-legged bitch that worked in accounting with Caroline. To pull this off she realizes she is going to need some help, and Caroline knows that AJ, who is constantly complaining about needing extra money (and no fan of her co-workers) will make the perfect -temporary- partner. Caroline presents her with the plan to sell the other SIX girls in the office and split the profits with AJ 50/50. AJ jumps a the chance. Caroline knows six will never fly with her clients, but things seven probably will. So once She and AJ get the other six handled, AJ will be easy pickins to make seven. So That would make seven girls delivered. Surely the distributors will be happy with seven. Caroline just wont press for the payment of the eighth. 87.5% of her payment will be more than enough to live on forever...
Caroline and AJ drag their first catch into the warehouse. Their boss, Sandra, a curvy broad with and hourglass figure, huge tits and long silver hair, has her arms are pinned behind her back by Caroline. She is barely silenced by a bandanna cleaved between her teeth. AJ is ready, ropes in hand and begins to tie her enslaved employers wrists, ankles and knees. More rope is added around Sandra's chest, pinning her arms to her sides. Her silk blouse strains between the ample bosom and tight ropes. The captirixes tear open the shirt to take a peek at the goods, and see d-cups filled with dollar signs. Sandra is humiliated, but not completely. AJ is more cruel than Caroline realized and begins to apply an extremely tight crotch rope. It bites into Sandra with every twitch. It's agonizing and delightful. If she wasn't so frightened, this would actually be fun. Caroline and AJ have to leave to go greet their next "Guest". But before they do, they realize that Sandra can make just a bit too much noise. They remove the bandanna gag, stuff it deep in her mouth and seal it in with microfoam tape wrapped around Sandra's head. Sandra is left to struggle as her kind assailants go to retrieve her secretary so she wont feel all alone in her predicament...
Next Episode: Ruth Cassidy Joins Sandra In Bondage!
10:31 video
Caroline and her hot friend Dixie Comet are dressed in crotchless pantyhose and nothing else, and enjoying all the access those open crotch pantyhose allow.
They take turns playing with each other's beautiful butts, tasting each other and sitting on each other's faces....and teasing you because they know you're watching
Crotchless Pantyhose, XXXX, Face Sitting, Spit, Lesbian, Rimming, Buttholes, Tease, Ass Worship,
31:35 video
Caroline has a crazy ex, JJ Plush. JJ thinks they should still be together and makes sure that they are.
Caroline wakes up, hanging from the ceiling by her wrists, bound and gagged. She soon realizes that JJ has captured her and has no intention of letting her go, ever.
JJ ties, tapes, gags, spanks and torments Caroline, to show her just how much she cares.
***This was a custom video commission produced by JJ Plush for her BornToBeBound website.
DiD, Bondage, Ropes, Duct Tape, Tape Gag, Ball Gag, Drool, Nipple Clamps, Spanking, Mouth Stuffing
13:17 video
Danica Dillon can't resist Caroline's big round ass! Watch Danica kiss, lick, jiggle, rub, spank, and tongue Caroline's big booty, teasing and taunting you because you know how badly you want to be in her place. Don't you wish it was your face burried between those luscious cheeks?
Ass Worship, Tease, Booty, Butt, Lesbian, Spanking, Spitting, Oil, POV
10:44 video
Caroline is your sadistic ballbusting wife and she has your cock locked up in chastity. If you have any hope of her unlocking that cock cage, you'll do exactly as she says, even if it hurts!Follow her instructions as she has you torture, punch, slap and cane your own balls.
***if you want to follow the instructions for this POV instructional video you will need a wooden spoon****this video was a custom commision.POV, Ballbusting, Chastity, Solo, Chastity
18:52 video
Caroline Pierce, Mahina Zaltana and Austin "Two XXXXs" Lyn are bored. This trio of tattooed and pierced brunettes decide to entertain themselves by spanking each other's big beautiful butts until they're red, with licks and kisses inbetween the smacks. Caroline doesn't spank hard enough though, and gets punished by Mahina sitting on her face while Austinn continues to spank Mahina and show Caroline how it's done.
All worked up, Austin gets vibed to a wet climax by Mahina while Caroline worships Mahina's toes and gets squirted on by Austin.
With friends like this around, we never stay bored for long!
Ass Slapping, Spanking, Tattoos, Piercing, Foot Worship, Face Sitting, XXXX, Spitting, Squirting, Hitachi, Orgasm
6:37 video
I know you want to worship MY ass. Beg for it! You know you want it, but can you handle it?
This video was shot in conjunction with Sinnerscope/Prissy Bitch Productions.Lingerie, G-string, StockingsMusic is "Night On The Docks - Sax" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Common: By Atribution 3.0CreativeCommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Ass Worship, POV, Solo, Lingerie, Thong, Stockings
8:48 video
Sydney Screams is the "wealthiest person in the world" and she caught her bikini-wearing slave trying to steal food from her! Caroline begs for her life and is XXXX to worship cruel Sydney's big soft belly, but Sydney and her hungry belly don't want to show mercy, she wants to be fed!
***this is a custom video commision. Interested in your own? Let's talk!
Vore, Belly Worship, BBW, Non-nude, Burping
10:09 video
While CEO Claire Dames is away at the office doing whatever corporate CEOs do, Caroline breaks into her empty house. But Caroline isn't sneaking in to just to rob the place. No, she's there snooping around looking for specific files that contain confidential business information that Claire's corporate rivals would be extremely interested in obtaining for themselves.
It's an easy plan: Caroline break into Claire's home while she's out at the office, quickly locate and grab the files, leave unnoticed, and then sell that valuable information to the highest bidder for an extremely profitable payday!
Things never work out that easy, and this time is no exception. Claire comes home early, catching Caroline. But Caroline is quite a fast talker and takes advantage of Claire being stunned by the intrusion...and takes advantage of Claire herself.
Caroline gives Claire the option of either getting in her way or not. Either way, Caroline isn't leaving without the files she came for, and if Claire gets in the way, well...
With the help of a dainty but very sharp implement, Caroline takes her time cutting and shredding the dress and hosiery off of the sexy CEO's luscious curvy body.
And that's just start...
This is Part 1 of 3. To be continued in Part 2
***this clip has unsteady camerawork
Claire Dames, LezDom, blackmail, clothing destruction, pantyhose destruction, clothing shredding
12:48 video
Sometimes my gorgeous gal pal Sandra turns the tables on me! And I love it!
50s Vintage MILF Girlfriends in Girdles & Garters Night In - for Ball Gagged, Pantyhose Ripping, Tied Up, Tickle Torture!
Reclining on their brocade couch, the 50s vintage MILFs in full body girdles, garters and stockings reminisce while watching a distressed damsel in a television cop show on their black and white box. It’s been a while since they’ve played the damsel, and Sandra the silver haired voluptuous vixen has a mind to get even with her long limbed, brunette bedmate Caroline after being the victim last time…
Wrists behind her back and ankles cinched together, Caroline is sitting vulnerable in jute rope. A jaw stretching ballgag is tied in place around her head with another length of the cord, though muffling the loud squeals of laughter in nigh on impossible as Sandra’s manicured fingers set to work tickling and teasing toes and soles! Those feet are too beautiful not to be bared, the nylon sheaths are ripped off each foot and naked, wrinkled arches are once again set to with relentless finger tips…
11:20 video
I know how much you love my ass. My big, round, sweet ass. Pale porcelain cheeks that you want to bury your face in!
My luscious curves, soft skin, firm but so squeezable, so delicious you just want to take a lick.
Now I'm going to bounce my big ass on your face, and swallow it up while I grind on your face.
Oh yes, take that big cock of yours and fuck my ass crack. My big white ass cheeks clapping on your cock as I bounce and grind.
Now fuck me. Fuck me good. Fuck my ass!
*** this was a custom video commission. Interested in getting your own? Let's talk!
POV, booty, ass, tush, butt, bikini, ass clapping, virtual sex,
18:45 video
Lady Bosses Caroline Pierce, Dixie Comet and Kimberly Kane are relaxing in the break room when they are rudely intruded upon by the new guy at the company, Nate Liquor. They show him who's in charge using their own "special techniques", and that there's a price to pay for being uncouth and disrespectful to his superiors.
FemDom, Male sub, Humiliation, Face Sitting, XXXX, Leg Lock, Pantyhose, Foot XXXX, Mouth Stuffing, Stinky Feet,
8:28 video
Latex and leg lovers, this one's for you! Caroline teases and entices you with her curvy legs as she dresses herself in latex back-seamed stockings. Slowly encasing her gorgeous gams in tight shiny latex, then posing and showing them off for your viewing pleasure!
Latex, Tease, Rubber, Shiny, Stockings,
11:45 video
This update is for all you latex lovers out there!
It's a bit different than my usual update, as it's an interview I did in conjunction with Latex Fashion TV.
Join me as we talk about my love of latex and explore the latex wardrobe that I bring with me when I travel, and watch me try different latex pieces on and layer them.
If you're a rubber lover, or love to watch a woman dressing up in sexy clothing, you'll enjoy this.
If you know me, you know I ADORE LATEX and all things rubbery and shiny. I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed making it.
The full interview in its entirety is ONLY avaible on Latex Fashion TV's Patreon account and, with permission, here on my site for my fans and followers.
latex, wardrobe, rubber, interview, latex leggings, latex spanking skirt.
10:22 video
TEASE, the delicious tease of My ass jiggling right in front of you.
The tease of My ass has your cock rock hard, so why don't you take that cock of yours in your hand and start stroking it. Jerking it. Stroke it.
Worship My ass while you jerk off.
Masturbate for Me.
POV, tease, ass tease, fishnets, lingerie, booty, ass, derriere
10:46 video
Caroline knew she shouldn't have stayed so late after work.
She was only one in the office building when an intruder came to steal files, and now the thief is demanding she help get those files!
But she can't! She's just the secretary, she doesn't have access to the information that the thief wants!
Poor Caroline! She gets tied up and left behind while the thief looks elsewhere. Relief turns to panic when she realizes they haven't left! They come back and and gag her good and tight and tie her up even more, leaving her struggling and begging to be let go.
bondage, DID, Damsel in Distress, pantyhose, secretary, button up blouse, glasses, cleave gag,
6:53 video
Mmmm yum, I'm going to lick this hot load up and play with it while you watch.
Play with it, lick it up, let it drip into my open mouth, dribble it from between my red lips and onto my breasts.
Tease, dribble, drool, making mess and loving it.
sensual tease, drool, messy, cum, cum eating, spit, fluid play,
10:49 video
Be a good boot slave and worship your Goddess Caroline, starting from the tips of My toes and working your way up the shaft of My shiny crotch-high boots! Consider yourself lucky to be in My presence, even more lucky to be allowed to touch my long curvy legs, even if it is only with your tongue and through my boots.
Boots, Boot Worship, Fishnets, Fishnet tights, FemDom, Nude, Slave